Holiday Almanac December 29: Lemon Currant Surprise

Seriously, this time of year there is absolutely no reason to be baking a cake.

But in the absence of a lemon cake mix, a pudding cake mix, or any idea what that latter even means, I had to wing this one a bit.

Regardless, it came out tasty and nice, if a bit unnecessary.

As a footnote, I forgot to take any pictures of this, and now I am in Vienna, so you'll have to bear with me. Sorry!

Instead of cake, here's a picture of the prettiest cheese plate I've ever made! 

Instead of cake, here's a picture of the prettiest cheese plate I've ever made! 

The verdict:

3 spoons out of five. It was fine, but the last thing I wanted to do after all the Christmas cooking I’ve done this month already was make a lemon currant cake. Plus, currants seem like a weird addition, and overall it was just a little anticlimactic.

The recipe:

Lemon Currant Surprise

the directions:

Make a lemon cake.
Add a handful of currants just before baking.
Bake as normal, then serve warm.

the ingredients:

1 lemon cake, your favourite recipe (I used this one)
1 handful dried currants