Smash the Patriarchy Party Mix

It's been a rough 6 days to be an ex-pat. Living in Scotland is amazing, but being the Representative American in every. single. situation. is not always easy, and it's not always fun. I've listened to a lot of dumb jokes, I've accepted (with as much grace as I can muster) a lot of blame and I've tried my best not to make any of the stereotypes flying around any worse than they already are. Whatever your feelings are on things happening in the US right now, it's worth noting that the rest of the world is confused, scared, and angry as all get out at the current state of affairs- after all, as the saying goes, America sneezes and the world gets a cold.

So when the opportunity came around last weekend to put my money where my mouth is and show up at the Edinburgh Women's Rally, I happily went, husband and American friend in tow. It was awesome. We listened to speeches (intersectionality!), ran into friends (so many friends!) and felt like part of what's happening in the US in a way we often don't over here across the ocean. It was great to feel like something bigger than ourselves and great to remember that there are so many women who have come before us and so many, many women ready to fight the good fight now. And while I made this Party Mix with the specific intention of bringing it to the rally for snacks (and to insulate my pockets on what proved to be a sunny but frigid Edinburgh winter morning), I opted to forego it when I realised how early in the morning we had to leave our flat.

So basically, this is the perfect snack to bring when you're on the go- whether that's heading to a Women's March or out for a day of running errands- but it's equally great to put out for a party. Especially if you live in Edinburgh where most shops don't sell pre-made Chex Mix so loads of people have never even tasted it. And if you're one of those people who've never tasted it, then know this: as a kid, I thought it was so weird that my family made this for every party: who wants savoury breakfast cereal? But it turns out tonnes of people make this and everyone loves it- especially if you make it with brown butter instead of plain... and the best part is Eleanor's recipe was written in such a hurry I'm guessing at 60% of the words listed. So if something sounds good to you to add (Brown sugar? Worcestershire sauce? Mustard? Honey? Onion powder? Garlic powder? Pumpkin Seeds?), go for it. Be a nasty woman and get this done.

The verdict:

4 spoons out of five. Only taking off a spoon because it's so much better warm and I wish I had known that before I took mine to a party and tried to serve it room temperature.

One year ago: ASian Chicken two ways

the recipe:

Party Mix

the directions:

Preheat oven to 120C/250F.
Cut butter into small cubes and set aside.
Pour cheese crackers, cereal, nuts and pretzels into a cookie sheet with sides.
Scatter butter cubes around baking sheet and use your hands to mix together until butter is evenly incorporated.
Sprinkle with salt.
Place in oven and cook for 45 minutes, shaking every 15 minutes.
Serve warm for best results.
Keeps well sealed in an airtight container for 3 days.

the ingredients:

2/3 cup or 140 grams butter
2 c cheese crackers (Mini Cheddars or Cheez-Its)
2 c plain cereal (Shreddies or Chex)
1 ½ c mixed nuts (unsalted)
1 c pretzels
2 tsp salt